Monday, June 24, 2013

Inauguration of the Church in Guatemala

Christ for Guatemala! 
Land of Forests
This Tuesday, June 25th, the church will be inaugurated in Guatemala.  The church in Guatemala in charge of our brother the Super Evangelist Eloy Castillo Preciado, together with his wife Fabiola, has grown in the number of missionaries during these past years.  Four years ago, our brother Eloy was chosen for this special Ministry.  The Apostle of our church will be present and will include the honorable presence of several of our church officers, as well as the Major Superintendent Jesse Negrete in charge of the church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.  Missionaries from northern and southern Mexico and the United States will attend this glorious event as well.
Guatemala is a beautiful green country, rich in culture and a magnificient history.  Her people are meek and respectful, making this country a great place to preach the TRUTH.  In the past however, Guatemala was in need of the Bread of Life, which by G-d´s will has been laid down in the table to satsify many Guatemalean souls.
Let us hope and pray that this new church will grow in numbers and be embellished with many souls for the glory and honor of G-d.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Quotes of our Apostle Rolando Gonzalez

Apostle Rolando Gonzalez
Part I
1.  Vanity is the fruit of the world that takes possession over the servant of G-d when he has not resigned.

2.  G-d’s strength comes amid weakness to help.

3.  G-d’s love is so great and deep that the unmindful judge it to their own convenience.

4.  The humble heart maintains silence and prays for the mercy of G-d, and from G-d receives blessings.

5.  He who believes is owner of the flock of the Lord is as if he believes is owner of the world’s oceans.

6.  He who praises himself ignores the truth of what it is and is not helpful to others.

7.  When we feel love, we will complete the whole work.

8.  There is a love that knowing how you are will keep on loving you.

9.  Virtue of G-d’s servant:  HONESTY.

10. There is something that attracts me and I am in love with that.

11. What is your JOY?

12. Character does not determine feelings.

13. Give me more wisdom to recognize evil and be able to reject it.

14. How you are you will live.

15. Ingratitude is the fruit of death.

16. The bolts of the heart closes down blessings.

17. Humility of thought.

18. Next to the altar of sacrifice.

19. Take a look at Heaven and from Heaven power will come.