Central American Summit
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
April 25-28
Official Host: Mayor Superintendent Jesse Negrete
Special Edition
These conferences were held in April of this year. We apologize to our readers as we had hoped that this edition had been published in that month, however due to unforeseen circumstances, it was not possible. THE DAYS WILL BE ADDED UNTIL THE LAST IN THIS MONTH OF JULY. Your patience is greatly appreciated. Lastly we hope that G-d takes all the honor and that you may enjoy this special edition. Thank you.
Lecture by the Mayor Superintendent Amando Salgado
Contributor: Mayor Superintendent Frank O'Brian
Topic: The Faith and Grace
Colloquium by Bishop David Higuera
Topic: 2012 Motto
Night Service
"You are my Protector, my heart filled with your songs of deliverance...I will trust in you...I will trust in you."
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from G-d."
"Eat, satisfy and drink, the dish is on the table". -Mayor Supervisor Leonardo Suárez
The table is set...the guest of honor has been invoked by the Bishop David Higuera to take a place among those invited who yearn for the spiritual delight that are these glorious conferences...
The privileged voices of the Mayor Supervisor Leonardo Suárez and the Deacon Miguel Ángel Suárez join in one voice...
"Men of Valor, G-d Needs...
Hard-working, Men of Valor...
Men of Valor that fulfill their promises...
That follow the blazed trail with their eyes on their Savior."
Our Church flag and the Honduran flag are made present...
"A Doctrine, a Path, and a Goal...to reach Holiness, United...
and these are the Fruits of the Spirit...
Kindness, Peace, Benignancy, Gentleness, Grace, Faith, Temperance, and Love...
The Central American Special Regiment presented...
The Way to Holiness!
Oratory by the Mayor Supervisor Juan Valadez (Apostolic Advice): The Folded Intention
Explanation by the Mayor Superintendent Frank O'Brian
Special prayers led by the Mayor Superintendent Silvino Ocampo.
The congregation repeats the 2012 Motto and the Mayor Superintendent Amando Salgado proceeds with the second part of the service...
Scripture reading for the Message: S. John 21:20, 21
Prayer for the Message by the Supervisor Dolores Apolinar
Message Delivered by the Pastor in Charge of the Mission in Long Beach, California
Mayor Supervisor Leonardo Suárez
Title: To be loved by G-d
Final Blessing by the Apostle Caesar Rivera
First Day
Night Service
This glorious event opens with a special prayer by the Apostle Caesar Rivera invoking the presence of the King. The Mayor Supervisor Leonardo Suárez conducts the first night service. The congregation is invited to be participants in worshiping G-d along with the angels of heaven. The first praise of the night is interpreted by the Deacon Miguel Ángel Suárez with the beautiful melody "Forever King."
Special Conference Welcome
"Glory, Glory, Hallelujah" March
"Welcome Servants of G-d to the Spiritual Feast!"
"Take the Bread...The Bread has been served and feeds your Soul."
"Ask and you shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened."
"For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks he will open."
"Prepare your Glass and acquire your Oil."
"COME and SATIATE with the GLORY of G-D."
"Ask and you shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened."
"For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks he will open."
"Prepare your Glass and acquire your Oil."
"COME and SATIATE with the GLORY of G-D."
A request through a praise is sung by the Deacon Miguel Ángel Suárez. The Central American Choir lift up their voices in a beautiful song: Come Holy Spirit!
"Welcome Holy Spirit"
"Welcome Beloved Apostle"
"Welcome Jesus, Our Guest of Honor"
"Welcome all our Guests: 'The Table is Set'"
Explanation in depth of Psalm 148 by the Mayor Superintendent Frank O'Brian. "How do we speak with G-d?...Through prayers." -Mayor Supervisor Leonardo Suárez.
The People of G-d present their petitions through prayers. The first prayer is offered by the Super Evangelist Marielena Negrete. A solemn and gentle melody uplifts into Heaven. The Congregation with tears of joy in their eyes raise up their voices to Heaven...
First Session of the Conference will be held by the Pastor in Charge of Dallas, Texas: Mayor Superintendent Amando Salgado
Explanation of the Supreme Hierarchy alluding to the words of the Psalmist David in Psalms 148 by the Apostle Caesar Rivera.
The Congregation repeats: "All things work together for good to them that love G-d" -Romans 28:8.
Reading as a source for the Message: S. Matthew 10:8.
Prayer for the Message: Superintendent Ismael Perez
Message delivered by the Pastor in Charge of Chicago, Illinois
Mayor Supervisor Juan Valadez
Title: Time to Glorify G-d's name, No more Waters of Quarrel
Final Blessing by the Apostle Caesar Rivera
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